letting down my thick dark hair i can either be a zhen-zi impersonator or enjoy the sweat flowing down my neck...
Stepped into the saloon one fine day and told that i wanna shorten my till my shoulder length
but she said that is better to remain so of my rebonded hair..
so that i wont turn into afro head after that
stylist: ur hair is so thick, did u inherited it from ur parents?
me: yea...it's genes..u should see how i looked like before i did my rebonding
stylist: must be very fluffy...
me:hee..used up lotsa my time...so i gotta hav reboning every year (thanks to those ppl who created rebonding)
after sniping here and there
little by little my hair fall to the floor..
i gonna miss u...
stylist: wanna tabao ur hair back not??although i need to tie my hair up for the next 6 months
me: y not i sell it to u?
stylist: ur hair is too fluffy lar...
me: swt lll
but Im satisfied with the haircut
my head feel much lighter
guess i can fill more know knowledge into my head..
but according to my friends
there's not much different with my pervious hair style..
sob..nobody notice my new hair do..
now how do i look like,
u decide for me..
hehe~ Leng lui liaw! ^^
I like it!
by gekmui
thanks gek mui...
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